Flash MIUI8 to Xiaomi Redmi 3S with fastboot

If your Updater App on your Xiaomi isn’t working or you don’t trust it (maybe because your smartphone got shipped with Adware installed or isn’t behaving like it should), you can update it with fastboot.
You can download the Fastboot-ROM here. If  you are on Windows, you can use the Mi Flash Tool.

On Linux with already installed Android platform-tools it’s way easier

First make sure to Backup all your Data, because it will be erased, and download the Fastboot ROM for your device.

#Download Fastboot-ROM (this one is for Redmi 3S)
wget http://bigota.d.miui.com/V8.0.3.0.MALMIDG/land_global_images_V8.0.3.0.MALMIDG_20160805.0000.29_6.0_global_588e5c60af.tgz
#Extract it
tar xzvf land_global_images*.tgz

Now you need to connect your phone to your PC and boot it in Fastboot Mode (shut it down and press Power and Volume Down key simultaneously ).

Check if your bootloader is unlocked

fastboot oem device-info

It should output:

(bootloader)    Device tampered: false
(bootloader)    Device unlocked: true
(bootloader)    Device critical unlocked: false
(bootloader)    Charger screen enabled: true
(bootloader)    Display panel: 

If “Device unlocked: true”, you are ready to go. Flash the ROM with the sh-Script from the extracted archiv

cd *gloobal

HowTo: Update your Galaxy Nexus via fastboot

If you are the owner of a Galaxy Nexus and you dont want to wait until the OTA Update comes to your phone, you can get the official Android Updates from GoogleCode.
Its the official Google Build, so you dont have to install some third-partie Bootloader/RescueSystem like ClockworkMod and you will still get the OTA updates. The only downside of this methode is that you must unlock your bootloader and this could may void your warranty and it will delete all data from your phone, so backup before doing this!

The requirements are a proper setup of the Android SDK and fastboot (its in the „PlatformTools“ Package which you can install from within the android sdk). If you don’t know how to do this, ask Google about it, there are many Tutorials out there.
Note: You dont need eclipse or the ADT Plugin, just the SDK with the package „platform tools“.

How its done:

  1. Download the Update-package
    Head over to http://code.google.com/android/nexus/images.html and download the proper package. yakju is the package for the non-LTE version of the GalaxyNexus.
  2. Add the platform-tools to the path variable:
    Open the terminal, and type:

     export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/your/android-sdk/platform-tools/
  3. Boot into fastboot-mode
    Shutdown your Galaxy Nexus and press the VolUp & VolDown while turning it on, a green Android robot should appear
  4. Unlock your Bootloader

    fastboot oem unlock

    into the terminal, this will unlock your bootloader. Warning, this will reset your phone! Backup your pictures, videos, etc. before doing this!

  5. Extract the Update
    In the terminal, cd to the directory where you have downloaded the Update-package from 1.
    Extract the package with

    tar xvfz yakju*.tgz
  6. Execute ‚flash-all.sh‘ if you want to update your whole phone (bootloader, radio, and android) or ‚flash-base.sh‘ if you want to update just the bootloader and the radio.

    cd  ./yakju-imm76d
  7. It may take a while, but when its finished you have a fully updated phone. Done!

Possible Problems:

  •  „fastboot cannot be found“:
    Make sure „Platform Tools“ are installed in the SDK and the PATH-Variable is set correctly (Point 2)
  • fastboot waits forever:
    Your phone might need a udev-rule!
    Create the file /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules  and enter something like this:

    SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="0bb4", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"
    SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="18d1", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"